Welcome to TV13 the most independent movie making company in the whole of staffordshire. We make movies that may shock you, they may may even horrify you, but mostly I think they will just make you laugh and should NOT under any circumstances be taken seriously. Well we warned you.
This is the homepage of the makers of Android Terminator, Android Terminator 2, Postman Pat's Banging Day Out, Bargain Unt a spoof of Bargain Hunt with David Dickinson, The Christmas Killer & finally Spaghetti Winshill!

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All the stuff on this site is copyrighted to us but if you want to show it to people that's fine. Please don't try any of the stunts you see performed here, they are performed by highly trained professionals and any attempt to immitate them could be dangerous. This website is fictional and bares no likeness to any website living or dead. Do not fire at man or the animal. All your base are belong to us.

All content on this site is ©2004-5 TV13
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